Volunteer Leaders

There is an ongoing effort to recruit enthusiastic volunteers to strengthen the existing 1st Lady Bay leadership team in order to provide the wide range of interesting, exciting and educational activities and outdoor adventure that benefit the young people in the Group.
We would like to invite people to come forward to help us. We need willing and versatile leaders. We’re just looking for a couple of hours each week and full training will be given. Why not come down, and find out more about who we are?
To find out more, contact Elaine (Akela) on 0115 933 3001, or use the contact us page.
Fundraising & Organising (Exec) Committee
The group also need volunteer to help organise and run the various fundraising activities for the group.
We’re always looking for a few hours help from someone to help with something; be that the running of the HQ, helping deal with behind the scenes admin, helpers on nights outs or weekends away, or just spending some time helping the leaders on an evening activity in the scout hall. They are always great fun and fit around any time you can give.
The roles available are good for the CV and good for the feeling of contributing back to the community. Each role can be done by more than one person, so if you have a couple of hours to donate regularly, please do get in touch – Contact us to find out more or to get involved and help keep the smiles on the faces of the scouts, cubs and beavers, and make the hall available to the community.
You can also Donate funds
1st Lady Bay Scout Group is solely responsible for the ongoing process of raising funds to pay for all our activities and equipment.